965.72.30.01 - Plaza Ayuntamiento, 1 03158 Catral, Alicante notificaciones@catral.es

PERMANENT EXHIBITION: “La Villa de Catral through time”

“La Villa de Catral through time” is the first permanent exhibition sponsored by the City Council of Catral, which is exhibited in the Municipal Library, and has had the collaboration of the Association of Researchers “Castrum Altum” of Catral and the MARQ technical advice. Archaeological Museum of Alicante.

In order to contribute to the recognition, protection and dissemination of the rich Historical and Cultural Heritage of the town of Catral, and to make it known to all Catralenses, on the second floor of the Municipal Library -in the entrance hall- is located said exhibition space.

In this space a selection of archaeological, ethnological and bibliographic pieces are shown, as well as archival documents and musical scores from different eras, all interrelated with the evolution of our local history.


Nature Classroom

Nature Classroom

The Classroom of Nature is an installation of the municipality of Catral created with the purpose of promoting the enjoyment and knowledge of this enclave of great natural wealth located within the protection zone of the Natural Park of “El Hondo”.

“El Hondo” is considered the second most important wetland in the Valencian Community, with an area of ​​2,387 hectares. It was declared a Protected Natural Site in 1988 and a Natural Park in 1994, in order to preserve the natural, ecological and landscape values ​​of the area and combine them with the traditional activities and uses of the area. It has been included in the list of the RAMSAR International Convention on Wetlands and Waterfowl since 1990, (which aims to prevent the disappearance and ensure the conservation of the flora and fauna of wetlands), as well as in Directive 94/43 / CEE of Habitats, forming part of the Natura 2000 Network, as a Site of Community Importance (SCI) according to directive 92/43 / EEC and, Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA) directive 79/409, whose objective is the conservation and proper management of all birds that live in the wild in the community territory.

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Other traditions

Other traditions

  • Certamen de bandas

Al inicio de Semana Santa.

  • Banderita

En junio, tras las fiestas de San Juan.

  • Sagrado Corazón

29 de junio.

  • Romería del Pilar o «De Las Cañas»

12 de octubre.

  • Rosario de la Aurora

Originario de mediados del Siglo XVI. Todos los domingos de octubre, día de Todos Santos y día de La Purísima

  • Navidad


Christmas and Wise men

Christmas and Wise men

It is the parade of the Wise men, the parties, within Christmas, where the organization of the City Council becomes more visible. On January 5, their Majesties the Magi make their delivery to the children of Catral of the toys that they have previously requested from the Royal Postman, after a spectacular parade.

La Purísima

La Purísima

La Purísima de la Ermita is the patron saint of Catral. It is the Archicofradía of the Holy Rosary and the Purísima de la Ermita which is responsible for organizing the popular and religious celebrations, which begin on December 7 with the transfer of the Patroness, from the Hermitage to the Parish Temple. Day 8 is the big day and a Solemn Procession is celebrated, with the assistance of authorities and Queens of the Fiestas.

After a novena, in which it is customary for the priests of Catral to preach, the Virgin is returned, in Romería to the Hermitage.

Jesus’s Heart

Jesus’s Heart

It is celebrated on June 29, It is mainly religious festival, organized and attended by a group of enthusiastic women who work all year.

It has become very popular, because “La Banderita” Concert is performed on the day before, named for being this piece of the play “Las Corsarias” that the Music Band plays in the parade around the town at the end of the concert. It is sung and danced all around the world around it, before the “Great Traca” begins all over Santa Bárbara Street, where the disruption occurs when the first thunder is heard.

At the end of a beautiful and romantic dance in the Plaza.

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